API Documentation
Virtual Accounts
Online Checkout
- GETGet Order details based on the generated Order reference
- POSTSubmit customer card details
- POSTSubmit customer card OTP
- POSTResend OTP to customer's phone
- POSTFetch checkout transaction details
- GETFetch checkout Flash account number for transfer payment
- POSTRequest OTP before saving a user's card
- POSTRequest OTP to validate a user before fetching saved cards
- POSTSubmit user OTP
- GETGet user saved cards
- POSTCancel Checkout transaction
Airtime & Data Vending
Fetch checkout transaction
Fetch checkout transaction
curl --request GET \
--url https://api.nomba.com/v1/checkout/transaction \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <token>' \
--header 'accountId: <accountid>'
"code": "00",
"description": "Success",
"data": {
"success": "true",
"message": "success",
"order": {
"orderId": "56e03654-0c32-4d3e-bbd6-a9df22994a12",
"orderReference": "90e81e8a-bc14-4ebf-89c0-57da752cca58",
"customerId": "762878332454",
"accountId": "56e03654-0c32-4d3e-bbd6-a9df22994a12",
"callbackUrl": "https://ip:port/merchant.com/callback",
"customerEmail": "[email protected]",
"amount": "10000.00",
"currency": "NGN"
"transactionDetails": {
"transactionDate": "2023-12-06T15:46:43.000Z",
"paymentReference": "5844858382134",
"paymentVendorReference": "5844858382675493",
"tokenizedCardPayment": "true",
"statusCode": "Payment approved"
"transferDetails": {
"sessionId": "67584432178569543",
"beneficiaryAccountName": "Tope Fade",
"beneficiaryAccountNumber": "5844858382",
"originatorAccountName": "Femi Fash",
"originatorAccountNumber": "3409082834",
"narration": "Checkout payment",
"destinationInstitutionCode": "true",
"paymentReference": "44384586756"
"cardDetails": {
"cardPan": "515123 **** **** 6667",
"cardType": "Verve",
"cardCurrency": "NGN",
"cardBank": "057"
Nomba authenticates API calls with OAuth2 HTTP bearer tokens. There are two methods of authentication; Client-Credentials method and PKCE (Proof Key for Code Exchange) method. In each of the methods, You will get an ACCESS_TOKEN
. You need to use an "Authorization"
HTTP header to provide your ACCESS_TOKEN
. For example: Authorization: {ACCESS_TOKEN}
The parent accountId of the business.
Query Parameters
Checkout id type to use for this query. Valid values are the 'ORDER_REFERENCE', to use Order reference passed in when generating the checkout link, and 'ORDER_ID' to use the uuid value returned in the checkout link path.
Checkout transaction id based on the value selected in the idType parameter
Response Code
response description
True if the transaction is already completed and successful, false otherwise
Response message describing the transaction status
Id generated by Nomba for the checkout order
Reference of the online checkout order to be created
Customer id
The account Id whose wallet will be credited when the order is paid
Merchant callback url for redirect after payment
Customer email
Amount to pay
Currency of the money
Date the transaction was created
The payment reference for the transaction
The payment reference returned by the payment gateway
True if the payment was made by a tokenized card
transaction status code returned by the payment gateway
"Payment approved"
Transfer sessionId
The account name associated with the Merchants Amucha account
"Tope Fade"
The Flash account number, where the payment was made to
The name of the person making the transfer
"Femi Fash"
Nuban account number of the person making the transfer
The naration added by the customer when making the transfer
"Checkout payment"
Destination bank code
Transfer payment reference passed in from NIBSS for the transfer
curl --request GET \
--url https://api.nomba.com/v1/checkout/transaction \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <token>' \
--header 'accountId: <accountid>'
"code": "00",
"description": "Success",
"data": {
"success": "true",
"message": "success",
"order": {
"orderId": "56e03654-0c32-4d3e-bbd6-a9df22994a12",
"orderReference": "90e81e8a-bc14-4ebf-89c0-57da752cca58",
"customerId": "762878332454",
"accountId": "56e03654-0c32-4d3e-bbd6-a9df22994a12",
"callbackUrl": "https://ip:port/merchant.com/callback",
"customerEmail": "[email protected]",
"amount": "10000.00",
"currency": "NGN"
"transactionDetails": {
"transactionDate": "2023-12-06T15:46:43.000Z",
"paymentReference": "5844858382134",
"paymentVendorReference": "5844858382675493",
"tokenizedCardPayment": "true",
"statusCode": "Payment approved"
"transferDetails": {
"sessionId": "67584432178569543",
"beneficiaryAccountName": "Tope Fade",
"beneficiaryAccountNumber": "5844858382",
"originatorAccountName": "Femi Fash",
"originatorAccountNumber": "3409082834",
"narration": "Checkout payment",
"destinationInstitutionCode": "true",
"paymentReference": "44384586756"
"cardDetails": {
"cardPan": "515123 **** **** 6667",
"cardType": "Verve",
"cardCurrency": "NGN",
"cardBank": "057"