Accept online payments
Instructions on integrating Nomba’s payment gateway for processing online payments.
Nomba Checkout serves as a payment gateway enabling your business to receive payments from customers through bank transfers or local/international debit cards, supporting Mastercard, Visa, and Verve.
Accept online payments
Get Started
Embark on a 6-step journey to initiate payment acceptance
Acquire your API key
Prior to engaging with the Nomba API, it is imperative to acquire an access token to ensure access to the available resources. Before obtaining an access_token, it is essential to complete the following steps:
Initialize your dashboard: Set up and configure your dashboard to establish a centralized control point.
Retrieve your API Keys: Obtain the necessary API keys to authenticate and authorize your access to the API.
Configure your webhook
Webhooks are a way to send real-time notifications or events from one application to another. Nomba can send notifications to your application via a webhook interface after which you can carry out a business process inside your application such as updating the status of a payment or sending an email.
Please follow the set up your webhook guide to properly configure your webhooks
Obtain an access token via the API
As mentioned earlier, access to our APIs necessitates the use of an access token. Refer to the guide on obtaining an access token for detailed instructions.
Sample request
curl --request POST \
--url \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'accountId: <accountid>' \
--data '{
"grant_type": "client_credentials",
"client_id": "2242b79d-f2cf-4ccc-ada1-e890bd1a9f0d",
"client_secret": "JFJ8yq3G4+DvjivJMsji0YkZBkkKdSdjifR+TgT9RLM="
Sample response
"code": "00",
"description": "Success",
"data": {
"businessId": "01a10aeb-d989-460a-bbde-9842f2b4320f",
"access_token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJHOjhmYWM4M2FjLTc2YjAtNDM1Zi1hYTM1LThkOTU3ZGQ5MjdkZCI6Ikc6OGZhYzgzYWMtNzZiMC00MzVmLWFhMzUtOGQ5NTdkZDkyN2RkIiwiUjpURUFNU19PV05FUiI6IlI6VEVBTVNfT1dORVIiLCJFbWFpbDp2aWN0b3JzaG9hZ2FAZ21haWwuY29tIjoiRW1haWw6dmljdG9yc2hvYWdhQGdtYWlsLmNvbSIsImlhdCI6MTY4MTkxODU3OSwic3ViIjoiNWUyNmNmYjAtNTI5Zi00MTdiLWI4ZDItYWJjNDcxZjRjOWRiIiwiZXhwIjoxNjgxOTIyMTc5fQ.lQOsyhR1gajKdzE9IHQEtxhQyUrArctEDZiP9pWVTFY",
"refresh_token": "01h4gdx2tctxfjgacbdwrcvs5d1688473602892",
"expiresAt": "2022-07-08T14:33:00Z"
Retrieve a Nomba Checkout link using the API
Once this link is loaded on a browser, your customer will be able to pay you via bank transfer or debit card. Please refer to the guide on creating a checkout order
Sample request
curl --request POST \
--url \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <token>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'accountId: <accountid>' \
--data '{
"order": {
"orderReference": "fd3002af-d48b-40a0-adba-0b1c93635bd2",
"customerId": "762878332454",
"callbackUrl": "https://ip:port/",
"customerEmail": "[email protected]",
"amount": "10000.00",
"currency": "NGN"
"tokenizeCard": "true"
Sample response
"code": "00",
"description": "Success",
"data": {
"checkoutLink": "https://ip:port/checkout/78388899938",
"orderReference": "fd3002af-d48b-40a0-adba-0b1c93635bd2"
Pick the checkoutLink
from the response and load in a browser or an iframe to allow your customer pay you.
Handle our webhook requests
Once you are subscribed to a webhook event e.g. payment_success
, we will send a webhook request to you upon a successful payment from your customer. For a successful bank transfer payment, the request body is slightly different from that of a successful card payment. The customer.billerId
and customer.productId
differ as shown below
Successful card payment
"event_type": "payment_success",
"requestId": "ddfadc29-d1c0-41d6-904d-a71a6740f1c4",
"data": {
"merchant": {
"userId": "cb6778b6-207c-41ac-a7fd-c2d1969b6aa6",
"walletId": "6553834573357772379e03d1",
"walletBalance": 1000000000
"terminal": {
"terminalId": "",
"terminalLabel": ""
"tokenizedCardData": {
"tokenKey": "N/A",
"cardType": "N/A",
"tokenExpiryDate": "N/A",
"cardPan": "N/A"
"transaction": {
"transactionId": "WEB-ONLINE_C-CB677-27b33599-9359-4aa3-b4d0-9c60f3b4a978",
"type": "online_checkout",
"originatingFrom": "web",
"rrn": "",
"transactionAmount": 2400.0,
"fee": 93.6,
"time": "2024-01-11T16:33:04Z",
"terminalActionId": "",
"mcollectionsId": "",
"merchantTxRef": ""
"customer": {
"billerId": "465922 **** **** 8038",
"productId": "465922"
"order": {
"accountId": "cb6778b6-207c-41ac-a7fd-c2d1969b6aa6",
"orderReference": "testingref185",
"callbackUrl": "",
"customerEmail": "",
"amount": 2400.0,
"currency": "NGN",
"cardCurrency": "GBP",
"customerId": "identify123",
"isTokenizedCardPayment": "false"
Successful bank transfer
"event_type": "payment_success",
"requestId": "ddfadc29-d1c0-41d6-904d-a71a6740f1c4",
"data": {
"merchant": {
"userId": "cb6778b6-207c-41ac-a7fd-c2d1969b6aa6",
"walletId": "6553834573357772379e03d1",
"walletBalance": 1000000000
"terminal": {
"terminalId": "",
"terminalLabel": ""
"tokenizedCardData": {
"tokenKey": "N/A",
"cardType": "N/A",
"tokenExpiryDate": "N/A",
"cardPan": "N/A"
"transaction": {
"transactionId": "WEB-ONLINE_C-CB677-27b33599-9359-4aa3-b4d0-9c60f3b4a978",
"type": "online_checkout",
"originatingFrom": "web",
"rrn": "",
"transactionAmount": 2400.0,
"fee": 93.6,
"time": "2024-01-11T16:33:04Z",
"terminalActionId": "",
"mcollectionsId": "",
"merchantTxRef": ""
"customer": {
"billerId": "465922 **** **** 8038",
"productId": "465922"
"order": {
"accountId": "cb6778b6-207c-41ac-a7fd-c2d1969b6aa6",
"orderReference": "testingref185",
"callbackUrl": "",
"customerEmail": "",
"amount": 2400.0,
"currency": "NGN",
"cardCurrency": "GBP",
"customerId": "identify123",
"isTokenizedCardPayment": "false"
Please refer to our webhooks documentation to further understand how to work with them.
Conduct transaction verification
After you receive our webhook notification, we recommend you to verify the status of the transaction before performing your business process. Please refer to the guide on verifying checkout transactions to see how to perform transaction verification.
Use the transaction reference Id (data.transaction.transactionId
) in the webhook request body to perform the transaction verification.
Sample request
curl --request POST \
--url \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <token>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'accountId: <accountid>' \
--data '{
"transactionRef": "POS-WITHDRAW-DFC05-693cd007-cd1e-4ea6-8b79-5f5c4d7a83ea"
Sample response
"code": "00",
"description": "Success",
"data": {
"results": [
"id": "POS-WITHDRAW-DFC05-693cd007-cd1e-4ea6-8b79-5f5c4d7a83ea",
"status": "PAYMENT_FAILED",
"amount": 4000,
"fixedCharge": 123,
"source": "pos",
"type": "withdrawal",
"gatewayMessage": "Insufficient funds",
"customerBillerId": "539983 **** **** 5118",
"timeCreated": "2023-09-08T19:26:34.657000Z",
"posTid": "2KUD4AKB",
"terminalId": "2KUD4AKB",
"providerTerminalId": "2KUD4AKB",
"rrn": "230908202632",
"posSerialNumber": "91230309116826",
"posTerminalLabel": "KEB MUSA ABUBAKAR",
"stan": "556734",
"paymentVendorReference": "2KUD4AKB230908202632",
"userId": "dfc05ca1-4e75-41dd-8e41-2d362d565893",
"posRrn": "230908202632",
"merchantTxRef": "c90d-4b25-ad0f"
"cursor": "xchbaVFsjdsbaADddd"