API Documentation
- GETList all sub accounts
- POSTCreate a sub account
- GETFetch details of a sub account
- GETFetch parent account details
- GETFetch sub account balance
- GETFetch parent account balance
- PUTSuspend a sub account
- PUTReactivate a sub account
- GETFetch terminals assigned to a sub account
- GETFetch terminals assigned to the parent account
- PUTUpdate access to account
Virtual Accounts
Online Checkout
- GETGet Order details based on the generated Order reference
- POSTSubmit customer card details
- POSTSubmit customer card OTP
- POSTResend OTP to customer's phone
- POSTFetch checkout transaction details
- GETFetch checkout Flash account number for transfer payment
- POSTRequest OTP before saving a user's card
- POSTRequest OTP to validate a user before fetching saved cards
- POSTSubmit user OTP
- GETGet user saved cards
- POSTCancel Checkout transaction
- GETFetch credit/debit transactions on a sub account
- GETFetch credit/debit transactions on the parent account
- GETFetch transactions on a sub account
- POSTFilter account transactions
- GETFetch transactions on the parent account
- POSTFilter parent account transactions
- GETFetch a single transaction on a sub account
- GETFetch a single transaction on the parent account
- GETFetch a single transaction on the parent account
Airtime & Data Vending
Cable & Bill Payments
- GETFetch discos/electricity providers
- POSTVend electricity via parent account
- POSTVend electricity via a specific account
- POSTCableTv subscription via parent account
- POSTCableTv subscription via a sub account
- GETFetch customer information from a cable tv provider
- GETFetch customer information from an electricity provider