A backoff policy is a strategy used in webhook retries to manage the delay between retries when a webhook fails to be delivered or is rejected by the receiving server. The purpose of a backoff policy is to prevent overloading the server with repeated delivery attempts while still allowing for a reasonable number of retries to ensure the webhook is eventually delivered.

Nomba follows an exponential policy whenever any webhook fails to send data to the URL configured from the Nomba dashboard. Nomba will trigger the retry policy whenever a webhook request fails to return a 2XX status code, i.e. 4XX or 5XX error codes, in the response which are related to client error and server error respectively. Nomba will try to re-deliver a webhook 5 more times after the first failed attempt.

The table below gives proper perspective into how failed webhooks would be retried.

No of RetriesWaitTime (in Seconds)WaitTime (in Mins)
1120 secs2 mins
2280 secs~ 5 mins
3640 secs~ 11 mins
41440 secs24 mins
53200 secs~ 53 mins